Ubitap NFC

Mifare Classic 1K

Mifare Classic 1K chip is made by NXP and has a total memory of 1024 bytes.The usable   memory size is 716 bytes. It is not NFC Forum Type Tag compliant. Mifare Classic 1K is able to store long URL, long text as well vCard. Not all NFC devices can read Mifare Classic tag. Nevertheless, it can hold relatively large amount of data and great for personal use.

Some tags contain FM11RF08 chip made by Fudan Microelectronics which is compatible with Mifare Classic 1K chip, with the same amount of memory and memory layout.

Shop by NFC chip: Ultralight NTAG203 NTAG213 NTAG215 NTAG216 Topaz 512 Mifare 1K DESFire

Note: All prices are in Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)